AIEEE 2012| AIEEE 2012 Preparation | AIEEE Examination| AIEEE Applications 2012

AIEEE 2012, AIEEE preparations, AIEEE Application forms 2012, AIEEE Examination.

All India Engineering Entrance Examination.

AIEEE preparation can be done on the basis of 12th standard syllabus given by the central board.
This national level engineering entrance exam is for admissions to various under-graduate engineering and architecture courses in institutes accepting the AIEEE score for admissions, including the National Institute of Technology (NIT’s).

Subjects on which the entrance exams are conducted are physics, mathematics and chemistry.
The test duration is of 3 hours but the maximum marks and the number of questions vary every year.
AIEEE preparation can be done on your own by refering the books and syllabus, or through coaching institutes taking the classes of AIEEE or online with the help of Audio Video CD’s on all topics and sub topics.
The questions of AIEEE needs to be answered with different tactis and perspectives. One should focus on solving the questions previously appeared by conventional methods, check the solutions and make your own shortcuts.

One should not use the calculator while practicing, since solving the problems without the use of calculator actually increases the speed of calculation.

The online coaching programmes have virtually transformed the coaching centers. Online coaching for AIEEE preparation has proved immensely useful for students undergoing the training programme, as they have lessons in physical form that can be viewed any number of times.

While doing AIEEE preparation students also stand to improve their school percentages which helps them to get admissions to the best colleges of the country.
Also enrolling for test series programs prove fruitful , as it bench marks your performance with respect to the candidates who may have also enrolled in AIEEE online test . An AIEEE online test series may perhaps be a good way one can get a feel of the real thing before the exam as the same critical mass of students will appear for the exam.

It is important to complete the prescribed syllabus well before time, with the help of books and study material or take a review of the important concepts and principles with the help of CD’s and DVD’s.


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